

U of I's web-based retention and advising tool provides an efficient way to guide and support students on their road to graduation. 登录SlateConnect.


As a signatory of two climate agreements – the Talloires Declaration and the Presidents’ Climate 领导 Commitment – the University of Idaho is prioritizing the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions generated on campus.

阅读我们的 气候行动计划,以及我们最近的一次 温室气体清单, for more information on how we plan to achieve our energy goals and to see our current emissions profile.


The Integrated 研究 and Innovation Center (IRIC) on Moscow’s campus — one of the university’s LEED GOLD buildings — also boasts the university’s first photovoltaic solar array. IRIC has 368 panels purchased by 120 donors, including the ASUI and the Office of the President. 这些面板有可能产生最多132个.2kW. 观看太阳能电池板安装过程的视频.

自1986年以来, the U of I has been using biomass (wood waste from the local forest product industries) to power its District 能源 Plant (often referred to as the steam plant or energy plant). 最初建于1926年,使用煤炭, the university made the switch to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and provide lumber mills a means of removing waste in an environmentally-friendly manner.

For a complete history of 区域能源厂 and our conversion to biomass, 参观设施服务 能源工厂页面.


  • 木质锅炉颗粒物排放量下降了54%.4%
  • 木材锅炉CO2 排放量下降了83%.6%
  • Wood boiler performance (pounds of steam per dry ton of fuel) was up 88%
  • 能源工厂用水下降了35%.9%
  • 天然气消费量下降了35%.6%

In 2022, the U of I District 能源 Plant installed three electricity-producing steam turbines which offset the campus's electrical demand by 13%, making 区域能源厂 the first carbon negative building on campus. 这家蒸汽厂每年生产2.5亿磅蒸汽, 它们加起来比最大的航空母舰还重.

蒸汽涡轮机是一种更有效的发电方法, given their compact size and their ability to harness previously-wasted steam and convert it into electricity.

要了解完整的故事, 访问能源独立专题报道.

365滚球官网 uses a district energy system for heating and cooling our campus. 地区能源厂生产蒸汽等公用设施, 校园内建筑物使用的冷冻水和压缩空气. Utilities are distributed through miles of tunnels located under sidewalks and roads, 提供加热和冷却功能. With the centralized location of the plant (the corner of 6th and Line Street), energy can be distributed at a lower cost than producing it in each building.

加热 abilities are provided via the three boilers in 区域能源厂, while cooling abilities are provided by chilled water produced by three campus chiller plants (The North Campus Chiller Plant, 位于区域能源厂, 南校区冷水机组, 位于高尔夫球场旁边的基比穹顶上方, 还有麦克卢尔制冷机, 位于麦克卢尔大楼内). The university also operates a two-million-gallon chilled water Thermal 能源 Storage (TES) tank used to store chilled water to meet peak load demands during the day without running additional chillers, 提高系统的效率和容量.


作为爱达荷州的研究负责人, the University of Idaho is committed to identifying sustainable solutions that benefit the future of the energy industry. 下面是我们的能源研究项目.

总部位于爱达荷瀑布, the 高级能源研究中心 (CAES) is a research and education consortium working to solve regional energy challenges that have national impact. 作为CAES附属机构,伊利诺伊大学提供:

  • 提供创新的研究, cost-effective and credible solutions that meet the demands of a carbon-constrained world.
  • 激励下一代工程师的教育, 政策制定者和公众追求科学事业, 技术, 工程与数学.
  • Policy that facilitates an informed dialogue involving the scientific community, the public and government; leading to energy policy at a regional, 国家级和国家级.



365滚球官网 supports biodiesel education through production research at the JML lab on the Moscow campus. 作为生物柴油教育计划赠款的接受者, the University of Idaho is dedicated to bringing unbiased technical and policy information about biodiesel.



365滚球官网 offers degrees in nuclear engineering that focus on infrastructure resilience, 应急计划, 核安全, 核退役, 乏燃料管理和核技术管理. All nuclear engineering research has the potential to transform industry. For example, read the feature story on U of I nuclear research and safer nuclear energy.

联系核工程系 & 工业管理.

参观核工程学系 & 工业管理网站.

365滚球官网, 爱达荷瀑布与爱达荷国家实验室(INL)合作,, 全国领先的核能研究实验室, 发展, 演示和部署. 通过这种伙伴关系, U of I Idaho Falls offers students the opportunity to advance energy research, 生产与安全用INL.




In 2020, over 50% of the campus’s carbon dioxide emissions came from electricity alone, 相当于10个左右,491吨二氧化碳. Although much of the electricity in our region is generated via hydropower production (a low-carbon source), 我们仍然依赖化石燃料为我们的生活提供动力. 化石燃料的燃烧, 比如煤或天然气, releases carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere that trap heat from the sun and warm the surface of the planet; this is called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect and the steady rise in average global temperatures from fossil fuel use have had negative consequences for the environment, 全球生态系统和世界各地的人们. 集体, 这些过程被称为气候变化, 以及我们对化石燃料的持续使用, the impacts of global climate change will continue to grow and worsen unless we make significant changes in how we produce energy to power our lives.


Vandals can help reduce U of I’s carbon emissions by making small actions every day to reduce how much electricity we consume, 比如离开房间时关灯, 拔掉不经常使用的电器或设备的插头, 冬天把恒温器调小,夏天调高, 用冷水洗衣服, 少用烘干机,多骑自行车, 走, 或者尽可能拼车. 破坏者可以采取很多行动, but the most important thing we can do is encourage each other to conserve energy together and act as models for the rest of the community on how to live with smaller energy footprints.




电子邮件: uofi-sustainability@eggenshop.com

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